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Medical and Legal Information

Polynesian paralysis is NOT a disease or medical condition.

Polynesian paralysis pills DO NOT contain any medicine, drugs, or pharmaceutical products, including CBD.

Polynesian paralysis pills do contain a small amount of SUGAR (about 1 calorie per pill). If you would like more information about the ingredients of Polynesian paralysis pills, please refer to the product information sheet sent with your pills, or contact Rx Aloha.

Rx Aloha products are NOT intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Rx Aloha products have NOT been reviewed, evaluated, or approved by the FDA.

Polynesian paralysis pills WILL NOT cause paralysis. If you have any questions or concerns about the use of Polynesian paralysis pills, please contact Rx Aloha or consult with your medical practitioner. 

Each Polynesian Paralysis pill bottle has a clear protective wrapper on the cap. If you receive a pill bottle with a damaged or missing wrapper, please contact Rx Aloha.