What is Polynesian Paralysis?
Visitors to Hawaii can experience a relaxed lifestyle and the warmth and love of the Hawaiian people. This experience can result in "Polyesian Paralysis" which allows you to be still as you listen to the ocean, observe a rainbow, smell the flowers, and enjoy each moment of every day. Polynesian Paralysis enables you to slow down and be grateful for life.
Symptoms of Polynesian Paralysis:
A Deep Sense of Meaning and Contentment.
Sitting Still and Doing Nothing
While under the influence of Polynesian Paralysis, you may find yourself sitting still and doing nothing.
In today’s world of endless emails and multitasking, people are in constant motion. As your to-do list grows, so does your stress level. It is easy to become so focused on the future that you forget to enjoy the moment. Polynesian Paralysis allows you to focus on the present and enjoy each day with less stress.
Less Stress.... More Kindness
Taking a few minutes each day to experience Polynesian Paralysis can give you a new and wonderful perspective on life.
When you are focused on the present moment, life becomes amazing. You allow the wonders of nature to take the place of your fear and regrets, and you allow peace to fill your heart and enrich your life.
Polynesian Paralysis is a sensible approach to mindfullness.

Polynesian Paralysis Self Test
Do you have Polynesian Paralysis?
If you answer YES to these 7 questions, you may be experiencing Polynesian Paralysis.
1. Are You Sitting Still?
People experiencing Polynesian Paralysis are sitting very still. The only movement you may notice is slow breathing and occasional blinking.
2. Are Your Eyes Open?
If you are experiencing Polynesian Paralysis, your eyes should be open. You may find yourself staring into space or focused on some object in nature (such as a sunset, the ocean, a tree, or a candle flame). If your eyes are closed, you may be asleep.
3. Can You Hear Something?
People are aware of the sounds around them while experiencing Polynesian Paralysis. It is easiest to experience this phenomenon while outside in nature where you can hear birds singing, ocean waves crashing on the shore, or the sound of your own breath. It is difficult to experience Polynesian Paralysis in a loud or noisy environment while other people are talking.
4. Can You Feel Your Body?
People experiencing Polynesian Paralysis can feel their body pressing down on a chair or the ground. You may be able to feel your own heartbeat or the cool breeze on your skin. If you are feeling any pain, you should move to a more comfortable position.
5. Are You Enjoying a Polynesian Paralysis Pill?
To help experience Polynesian Paralysis, people may enjoy a Polynesian Paralysis Pill. This candy pill can serve as a reminder to take time twice a day to relax and feel the aloha spirit. Allow the pill to slowly melt in your mouth and enjoy the sweetness and aroma. If you don't have a Polynesian paralysis pill, use a mint or candy that will melt slowly in your mouth.
6. Are You In The Moment?
While experiencing Polynesian Paralysis, people are present and enjoying the moment; they are not worried about the future or what they need to do, and they allow thoughts to come and go freely. Focus on your breathing and just be amazed to be alive.
7. Are You Experiencing any of these Symptoms?
Happiness, relaxation, contentment, euphoria, gratitude, peace, joy, thankfulness, love, energy, connection, creativity, discovery, and/or bliss.
If you answered “Yes” to these 7 questions, then you may have Polynesian Paralysis.
By taking a few minutes each day to experience Polynesian Paralysis, you can be more relaxed and kind to both yourself and others.
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Polynesian Paralysis FAQs
1. Can anyone experience Polynesian Paralysis?
Yes. Polynesian Paralysis occurs most often in Hawaii, but it can be experienced by anyone, anywhere, and anytime.
2. How long does Polynesian Paralysis last?
Polynesian Paralysis usually only lasts a few minutes. People who sit still and do nothing for more than 1 hour may be asleep. The effects of Polynesian Paralysis can linger and cause you to be kinder to others and more patient throughout your day.
3. Are Polynesian Paralysis Pills habit forming?
No. These candy pills do NOT contain any medicine, drugs, or pharmaceutical products, including CBD products. Polynesian Paralysis Pills are intended to be a reminder to take time each day to relax and appreciate life.
4. Is Polynesian Paralysis associated with any religious group?
No. While Polynesian Paralysis may appear to be a type of meditation or mindfulness practice, it can occur naturally and without warning, especially to visitors in Hawaii.
5. Are there any harmful side effects to experiencing Polynesian Paralysis?
No. The side effects of Polynesian Paralysis may include happiness, relaxation, gratitude, peace, creativity, bliss, and a deep sense of meaning and contentment. You may also feel the need to be more kind and supportive of others.
Polynesian Paralysis Podcast

Polynesian Paralysis Podcast

004 Waikiki Beachnik by H. Allen Smith (1956)

003 The Song Polynesian Paralysis
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Polynesian Paralysis Pills
The Sensible Approach To Mindfullness
Less Stress . . . More Kindness
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